Swapping Exclusive Use – Easy As

Back in the heyday of my youth, when Donkey Kong was cutting edge gaming, we used to spend our lunch breaks playing with Kiss (the American glam metal band) cards. The cards were only available in Donruss bubble-gum packets, which proved a challenging acquisition for a metal-mouthed yours truly who…

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Knock Knock: Who’s There? It’s Your Body Corporate …

As an owner of a unit in a strata complex, one quickly realises that the old maxim an Englishman’s home is his castle is in apposite for that style of living. Everyone makes compromises. Everyone is bound by rules (by-laws) and by a statutory framework which includes imposing obligations on…

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Merry Christmas – You have invalid by-laws

There is an odd dichotomy between the adoption and enforcement of by-laws in Queensland. A body corporate can generally approve a change to its by-laws at a general meeting by special resolution. Let’s say an owner, Mr Scrooge, has a strong aversion to Christmas and submits a motion to adopt…

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